
Ohmika Shrine

Detail of foundation is not certain,but the deity is Takehatsuchi-no-mikoto, the tutelary god for Kuji-cho.
It says in the classic document that a strong evil god,called Mikaboshikakaseo, occupied Ohmika area,took up his base camp on the top of Mount Ohmika, dominated over north-eastern district.

Takehatsuchi-no-mikoto,ordered the important charge to conquer the evil god instead of two gods in Kashima and Katori,succeeded to defeat the evil god, and suppressed Hitachi area.He stayed in Ohmika,and brought industrial development into practice such as salt and textile manufactures.

Huge pasania trees and other many kinds of plant are thickly grown in the grove of Ohmika Shrine,this grove is appointed as the natural monument of Hitachi-city.

(quoted from "Map of home town KUJI"j

     Ohmika Shrine                   @Grove of Ohmika Shrine